26 August 2011

4 months already!

Addie turned 4 months today! It really is hard to believe that my little Bug has grown so much in the short span of 4 months.  It feels as if she just arrived, but at the same time feels like she has always been with us.  As though we cannot imagine a life without her...such a departure from just a year ago.

This week has been pretty good! Addie has been doing well with her reflux, and has been rolling over like CRAZY! She loves it and is pretty much rolling all over the house.  I am afraid she is going to be mobile wayyyyyy too soon.  School started back up and was pretty easy this week, so I am not stressed out too much.

We are gearing up for our vacation pretty soon, but we will see if Hurricane Irene puts a damper on our trip to Myrtle Beach, SC, and to visit Grandpa Dave and Grandma Toni in Chesapeake, VA.  We may have to change our plans and visit Seattle instead! I hope, for everyone on the east coast at least, that Hurricane Irene is pretty tame.

So, I started going through the pictures on the Hubby's phone.  Since I always have my phone in my hands, looking through the pictures on his feels foreign.  I feel like I am seeing completely new pictures even though I have seen them all...   His images are a little different, so here is Addie from her Daddy's eyes, or, well, his Blackberry. Happy viewing and happy 4 months to my Addiebug!

Jason took this beautiful pic of us meeting for the first time.

I actually remember taking this now, how I did this I have no idea
because my hands
were still numb from the drugs.

I guess Jason was trying to stick his thumb in her mouth,
or she was trying to eat his thumb.  One of those scenarios...

This is my favorite pic of her while we were still at the hospital. So sweet!

One of the first days we had her home. Gosh she was tiny!

I am pretty sure that this was one morning before Jason left
for work and we had passed back out.  

One of the first baths Jason helped with!
Daddy's idea of a toy...

And she's 4 months old now!

I also found this on Jason's phone...our first babies.
He won't admit it but he kinda likes them!
I just feel bad because since we have had Addie, they don't get as much attention...

20 August 2011

Hello World...

It is odd to get back into blogging.  While in college, I did the trite blogging thing. (Anyone remember xanga! haha!) Life is so different now, and so wonderful.

I actually setup this blog while in North Dakota, when our little family was just two people strong.  I simply never got around to writing anything, because I felt our lives were boring. (And I was pretty bitter that I lived in North Dakota, and did not wish for that bitterness to overshadow our blessed lives.) That may still be the case, I feel like with our new little addition things are much more interesting.  At least interesting enough to write about!

Since Adelai Evelyn entered this world at 6:31 p.m. on April 26, 2011, we have been happy and extremely sleep deprived.  Learning so much a long the way, and still feeling inadequate at moments but gaining confidence...or at least pretending to have confidence in what we are doing as new parents.  Hoping that that faked confidence can lead to true confidence!

I promise to try to keep this blog updated as much as possible.  On Monday I begin yet another semester at UND, and will have to get back into the books.  Oh, and that whole thesis project that I have done absolutely NOTHING on since before Addie was born. 

So I am just going to post a few pictures of my favorite thing in the whole wide world, and we can begin this new blogging venture with my wonderful Adelai saying hello to the world.